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Mentoring: A Call to the Church


Why Mentoring?

“It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men.”- Frederick Douglass

We live in a world that can be described as more reactive than proactive. We are anxious to find solutions once a situation has become out of control. We make lofty resolutions every new year. We try “get rich quick” schemes. We stay up late to cram for exams and so forth.

What if instead of waiting to hear that another young person has made a choice that will detrimentally affect their future or even worse, put them in jail or end their life, we had an intentional plan to do all that we can to steer them in a Godly direction?

At City Gospel Mission, we believe that when the principles of Scripture are lived and modeled by a healthy adult who has a youth’s best interests at heart, then that youth is positioned for success.

Mentoring is a proven strategy that we employ as a village to ensure that our youth have all the necessary tools to thrive.

The CGM Way: The Local Church is the Village (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

Throughout Scripture, we see mentoring pairs whom God used mightily: Moses and Joshua, Naomi and Ruth, Paul and Timothy, and Jesus and His disciples.

CGM Youth Mentoring partners with and empowers local churches and parachurch organizations to have that same impact in Greater Cincinnati.

We require that the mentor be properly vetted as an active member of a local church; parents can trust our systems to ensure the safety and accountability of all involved. Through regular check-ins and training we impact the whole child with the hope that his or her family will become connected with a welcoming church family.

Our blueprint also seeks to enhance the overall ministry of the participating church.

How You Can Help

We need you and your village to reach our youth. When we mentor, we are showing ourselves to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus. Will you and your church partner with us to reach the next generation for Christ?

Email us at

Mrs. Antoinette H. Mosley (MDiv.), known as “Miss Toni” to her students, has served as a youth minister for over 20 years. She is the Volunteer Youth Mentor Manager of City Gospel Mission. She can be reached at

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