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‘God has led me to my job’



By John B.

When I was in a recovery program in March 2018, I was introduced to JobsPlus.

I learned so much, not only about resumes and how to interview, but also the spiritual side to living my purpose that God had in store for me.

When I applied for a job at a restaurant, the skills I learned at JobsPlus really came in handy through that interview process. It was instrumental in me gaining employment again.

I started working at a recovery center in September, helping men who were in my shoes. In March I celebrated 3 years sober.

It’s amazing what this world has to offer as long as I’m willing to step into faith. I just got my real estate license as well, so I’m beginning that journey. My credit score has gone up 200 points since JobsPlus. They taught a class on that, and I paid attention. I budget my money, which I learned in JobsPlus, and make sure that I stay on top of that.

Reunited with kids

When I was in recovery, I was told I wouldn’t be able to see my son and daughter again. That was devastating. But for the grace of God, I’m now highly involved in their lives. I bought my daughter a horse for her birthday, and we take care of it together. My son plays baseball, and I never miss a game.

From paying bills to putting money aside for their college, I’m hungry to keep it going. I want to make sure if they need something they can call on me, and I’ll be there for them.

That’s what my life is about now. It’s not about me anymore. It’s about them.

God opens the door

I feel that God has led me to my job at the recovery center. I get the most out of helping other people. God opened the door and enabled me to do that. To have someone like myself with lived experience, who has “been there,” I get almost an instant rapport with the men. I do my best to guide these guys toward God and to let go of self-centered behaviors.

I think JobsPlus is an amazing opportunity for people to get back on their feet. They have huge hearts, and just want to help people grow in life and in faith. I’m so grateful. That’s what life is all about – helping others and impacting lives.

Supporting JobsPlus is instrumental in helping people get integrated back into society. Without a program like this, I don’t see that happening for many people. You can’t put a price on that.

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